Tune Delivery Options

Tune Delivery option - Tunes can be provided or delivered through many means. When you purchase your tune you can select how you will receive you product. See the section below for a description of each option.

Possible Delivery Options:

Digital Delivery - Select this option if you already have a non-vinlocking flashing cable. Software will be sent to you via email.  Minimum 15 amp battery charger recommended while flashing. Must have a 22RPD or BimmerGeeks Cable.

Chip Mail - This Tune delivery option is specifically applicable to older design ecu’s. These ecus contain removable flash memory or “chip” which is directly replaced by an upgraded chip with performance software pre-installed. These replacement chips will need to be installed by the end user. Instructions are included, and this operation generally takes approximately 30 minutes. Tune revisions with this delivery option are delivered through the mail. 

Ecu Exchange - This Tune delivery option requires removal and mailing of your ecu to us. We will upgrade the software on your ecu to our performance calibration and return the ecu back to you via priority mail. The process takes 1-2 days plus mail.

In-Person Tune - This Tune delivery option requires bringing your vehicle to our facilities. Once on site, we will take your car and upgrade your ecus with our software. While on site we can provide dyno comparisons and specific dyno tuning. 

Pre-Flashed Ecu - This Tune delivery option we flash an ECU with our performance software and mail the ecu to you. With this option the ecu is generally plug and play requiring only swapping of the unit.

Remote Tune - With this Tune delivery option we mail hardware and provide tuning software to upgrade your Ecu calibration to our performance calibration. Everything is generally handled by our engineers requiring only an internet connection and a windows laptop. Complete instructions will be included with your tune package.  Minimum 15 amp battery charger recommended while flashing.

Third Party Software - This Tune delivery option utilizes third party software to update your ecus software. With this option you may be required to purchase a license to use this software independent of the tune package. We will provide general support to use this software, but you may need to work with the third party vendor for specific support.